STEM Netweaver Dialogues
The Network of Stem Education Centers (NSEC) is an organization of campus-based STEM centers and offices that serves as a catalyst for broader national educational transformation in STEM, including research on teaching and learning STEM disciplines at all levels. NSEC is working with other STEM Networks to enhance our collective capacity by identifying effective network design and facilitation strategies.
During the last half of 2019, NSEC convened three 90-min network learning dialogues with four leading experts in network facilitation, systems change, and STEM education reform (see below for bios). Our focus was how to design, create, facilitate, and manage transformative STEM learning networks.
The topics were:
Maintaining Connection for Transformation
Transformative Capacity Building
Transformative Assessment
These dialogues are being analyzed in conjunction with a parallel set of discussions among social-ecological netweavers to advance netweaving practice and identify next steps. We captured the results of these dialogues here – below, you can see a visual record of each of these conversations, accompanied by the core questions from that dialogue. We are analyzing the results of these dialogues in order to identify the insights and identify possible next steps to support a STEM netweaving community of practice.
STEM Netweavers
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (1524832).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.